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Redout: Trainer +4 v1.4.2 {}

Using this Trainer: Launch the trainer first, then launch the Game and then Press F1 at the Main Menu. Listen for "Activated". Press desired option key Options in Promo: Numpad 3: Unlimited Energy Options: Numpad 1: Damage Reduction Numpad 2: Freeze AI Racers Numpad 3: Unlimited Energy Numpad 4: Super Boost Notes: Numpad 1: Damage Reduction - toggle this on and damage to your vehicle is greatly reduced. This option is a MUST if you are going to use Super Boost. Numpad 2: Freeze AI Racers - toggle this on and the AI racers slow to a stop. Numpad 3: Unlimited Energy - toggle this on and your energy will not deplete. Numpad 4: Super Boost - don't even think of using this without the Damage Reduction option. This option moves your vehicle at super speed. In fact you may have to let up on it for ramps! Complete the races much more quickly! Unlock more trainer options including updates from here - Redout Trainer Short Documentaries

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